The Amazing Adventures of Denise

Hello everybody! Follow my wild and crazy adventures around the world right here on my blog.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Yesterday I did not write because I did not have the internet on my computer. Everyone else did, but I did not. No one would seriously help me with this problem. Oh, the frustrations of the international workplace.

For those of you also interested in development: ever wonder what our local colleagues think of us, we in-country NGO staff? Oh, it's a doozy. I'm transcribing the interviews I've already done, and here are a few gems:

"And because of this I think that when international organizations, there, far away, over the oceans, send people here, they have to find out about their psychological condition first. That’s what I think. And at the same time they must send objective people, because we have the impression that these people could be more fair."

So we're crazy!

Another interviewee said that in her opinion, most international staff come here because they don't have anything better to do in their own country, or can't get a job. Geez, how much time and money am I putting into my education, JUST SO THAT IF I'M LUCKY I'LL BE ABLE TO GET A JOB OVERSEAS AFTER!!! Maybe I do have to have my psychological condition checked!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

2:10 AM  

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