The Amazing Adventures of Denise

Hello everybody! Follow my wild and crazy adventures around the world right here on my blog.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


i just wrote a really long post but then the computer ate it. So, in brief:

I am in Ganga. It is the second boggest city in AZ. It is quite small. People here are incredibly nice.

I've been travelling since Friday, I'm on my own now, but it's totally fine. Will put up pics and stories later!

Doing lots of interviews, learning a lot.

The post I lost was great! But i just can't sit here and write another one and loose it again, i'll go crazy. Sso that's all for now!

Pics of Sheki:

Me and Malina: Andrea and I met Malina in Lahic, she was travelling alone. I met her again in Sheki- we ate together, and went out picture taking, it was nice. She had just travelled all over Iran- for like a month- by herself! She was a very nice person.

Sheki is famous for it's silk. There was a silk scarf shop in the caravansaray, i bought 3, all for me. Scarf madness!

Hansaray, Sheki: Fantastic!

Streets of Sheki

THe beutiful caravansaray- now it's a hotel, I stayed there. Single room? 12 bucks a night!

Up at the Albanian church in Kish, up in the mountains

At the teahouse at the caravansaray


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

12:23 AM  

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