The Amazing Adventures of Denise

Hello everybody! Follow my wild and crazy adventures around the world right here on my blog.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

NATO continued!!!

Mountain singer who we found in the woods around Quba

1:30 AM: the first person leaves. Note the bust of Heydar Aliyev:

Me eating Baclava outside the carpet factory in Quba:

We will dance anywhere! In the forest where we found a traditional singer. He was amazing.

Souvenir shop:
Me in Krasaya Svoboda, a town of 6,000 Jews in Azerbaijan:

The picnic: Jaynura from Kyrgyzia and me:

Almost everyone bought a hat. It ruled.

THe most amazing sunset:

Musicians at a caravansary, Baku:

I will write about it all later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

2:04 AM  

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