The Amazing Adventures of Denise

Hello everybody! Follow my wild and crazy adventures around the world right here on my blog.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Narrow old streets in old town:

The port + oil rigs seen from the old town:

Today I'm just gonna make a list of stuff i've done/seen/thought to try to catch up here.

  • yesterday saw a concert- an american who plays Azeri traditional music, called mugham.
  • done three interviews so far this week, one with 2 women from ABA-CEELI (American Bar Association NGO here), so it was my first meeting with an international NGO (but I spoke with local staff). Interesting- new perspectives.
  • i'd like to go out to the regions for a week and do interviews there
  • i'd like to go to georgia but i need someone to go with and i need to figure out my visa
  • someone called me yesterday and asked me what my phone number is- why?
  • someone knocked on my door last night, and in local style, i refused to open it and talked through the door. i don't now what they wanted, but they went away
  • last night the moon was huge and orange- when i saw it, it literally scared me for a sec, it was shockingly big!
  • it has been so windy here, supposedly this is normal. cools everything off thank god
  • my place in the office has been moved and i don't know how i feel about it yet.
  • i'm kinda stressed out right now by life, but i'm moody, so that will probably change soon. a few days ago I was a bundle of optimism!
  • i got a mobile phone! I am hooked up now!
  • this town is crawling with foreigners!
  • i have a map and a guide book now, i found them in an office supply store while strolling around. I am really happy to have the guide book, now i can go to museums and do some sightseeing other than simply wandering around. and it has lots info on where to find stuff which is good.
  • you know that i haven't drank ANY coffee in like 2 weeks! Me!!! the coffee monster! here they have instant, which doesn't do it for me. i drink tea! But i passed a place yesterday called "cafe latte" and i wonder if they have REAL latte, in which case i will have one. it also looked more "western," meaning i could sit there by myself and take a load off (did i already write about the fact that most cafes are filled with ONLY MEN, as in 100%, and so i can't imagine just sitting down and relaxing at them- it's one difference about life here that is difficult for me)
  • i'm going to be blogging for a news blog! more to come on that.

OK. i feel like i've cleared out a bunch of stuff in my head.


Blogger Katy said...

lmao...Great Blog!!! I like your pics!

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

7:18 AM  

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