The Amazing Adventures of Denise

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Sunday, September 03, 2006

what i do now

What I do now is read! Seriously, three seminars is going to be a lot, but since I'm not working, all should be fine. Here is my schedule!

MWF 9-9:50 4th Year Russian
M 1:45-4:15 Comparative International Development Policy
W 4-6 comparative Democracy
R 2:30-5 State and Society in Muslem Central Asia and the middle East

Yeah, I wish that Russian class wasn't at 9AM. But hopefully I'll spend the time in between that and my next class in my library carrel getting through the intense amount of reading I have in store.

Thoughts on the semester? Well, both the political science classes, being 'comparative' require that I compare two countries (or other units) in the research paper, so I won't be able to write just on Azerbaijan. I was hoping to really focus in on writing things that would be leading me towards my thesis, and I still will, just not as directly.

My professors seem very good, and the classes are good. So I will be quite busy this semester, but hopefully I will get SO MUCH out of it.

ps I here firecrackers, must be because today's a football game (who cares!)


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