The Amazing Adventures of Denise

Hello everybody! Follow my wild and crazy adventures around the world right here on my blog.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hijacked by life

First: I've already killed one highlighter. Sheesh!

Second: Today I had a call from Mr. Lee, who I tutored (English) my first year here. I ran into him a few weeks ago at the Korean restaurant here in town. Well, he asked me to tutor his daughter. I said no (which I'm not good at) because I'm just to busy. He asked me to have dinner with his family (we were having problems understanding each other on the phone). Anyhoo, I went and had some awesome Bugoki and agreed to meet with her once a week. I think I'm just dreaming of free Korean food, WHICH WOULD RULE! Because it turns out they own the restaurant now! Yum.

Besides that, I'm getting into the groove of the semester. I have a lot to do, yes, but I'm not freaking out about it now. It's really interesting.

OH! And a big thanks to Rebecca for giving me her bike! It's really light and has a neat hightech looking seat that bounces and it's in great shape. It's at the bike shop getting new tubes. I'm so psyched!


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