The Amazing Adventures of Denise

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Sen eat pen:
Every talk about someone and then realize that that person was in fact there?

Well, that happened to me today. But the person I was talking about is FAMOUS and AMAZING and I wasn't talking trash, but i just feel SILLY.

THe person is Amartya Sen, noble prize winner in economics, ethical development guru, basically i think he's tops! Anyhoo, he's giving a bunch of talks on campus this week (yay!!!!) so today I was having luch with two people, one who also read Sen in class with me, one who didn't know who he was. So I offered a quick explanation of his work, "transformation of the self- remember how we all debated that in class? THe concept of freedom in development, works with the UN." I many have actually said "Blah blah blah" at one point. Well, it slowly dawned on me at some point (later on) that the man at the table next to us, with 2 other guys, was almost definitely the man himself, Sen.

I don't know if he heard me, he probably didn't care if he did, and all that stuff, but gee whiz I feel like a moron!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I saw Sen- Yes!

p.s. Meagan if you read this... we shoulda asked to try his iced tea!


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